Professor Edward Baugh

Edward Baugh Professor of Engish at the Mona Campus, University of the West Indies was born in 1936. In Port Antonio, Portland Jamaica. After obtaining his BA in English at the University of the West Indies he won a RS Mclaughin Fellowship to complete his Post Graduate studies in Ontario Canada at Queen's University. From there he continued his Education with a Commonwhealth Scholarship to the University of Manchester obtaining his PHD In English.(1964). He has been an educator, orator and critic for over 45 years. He has figured prominently as a leader in national, regional and internatonal literary and academc associations such as the Jamaican PEN club, the West Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies and the Association For Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies.
Edward Baugh has published a number of literary works including 'West Indian Poetry 1900-1970' , and 'Critics on Caribbean Literature 1978'.
Edward Baugh has earned an international reputation as an authority on Anglophone Caribbean poetry in general and on the work of Derek Walcott in particular. A criically acclaimed poet Edward Baugh is an excellent example of a beautiful mind.